Grids for instagram 6.1.5
Grids for instagram 6.1.5

grids for instagram 6.1.5

  • Support for Shopify's built-in "Social sharing image" setting (located in Online Store > Preferences).
  • Resolved issue with SKUs not switching when updating variant.
  • Quick shop variants now reflect accurate inventory.
  • grids for instagram 6.1.5

    Resolved issue with shipping calculator translation errors.Updated media position functionality for Featured Product sections.The theme's CSS grid has been converted to a percentage-based grid, for enhanced responsive behavior.Allows search inquires to auto-complete as customers types them in your shop's search fields. NEW! Predictive search capabilities. Support for Shopify's predictive search API has been added to the theme.Mobilia 6.2.4 - November 12th, 2020 ADDED Hot Fix to properly display captcha when users submit e-mail to Back in Stock form.

    grids for instagram 6.1.5

    Mobilia 6.2.5 - November 19th, 2020 CHANGED Add preload attr for CSS, fonts, and JS.Mobilia 6.3.0 - February 25th, 2021 ADDED Fixed an issue where the shipping calculator could break the add to cart button if it was disabled.Shop Pay Installments banner now displays in supported stores.Theme Store: Browse similar themes Mobilia 6.3.2 - June 29th, 2021 ADDED The Mobilia Shopify theme is no longer listed in the Theme Store, scheduled for future updates, or eligible for Theme Support services.

    Grids for instagram 6.1.5